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美国农业经济专业详情概述 | 浏览:745 回复:1 |
美嘉留学 | 2016/4/1 16:37:31 编辑 | 1 楼 |
在近日的全国留学工作会议上,习大大指示,留学工作要适应国家发展大势和党和国家工作大局,培养造就更多优秀人才,努力开创留学工作新局面,为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦不断作出新的更大的贡献。 然而近些年一直火爆的会计、金融和管理类商科专业的红海中争夺录取的学子们,应该更放开眼光,抓住时代发展的脉搏,才能抓住新的发展机会。那么下面就为大家简要介绍一下美国的农业经济和农业商务相关专业详情: 首先,为什么要去美国学习农业经济和农业商务专业呢?众所周知,美国仍然是世界第一大经济强国,而且农业发展水平也居于世界前列。很多先进的经验都值得我们借鉴和学习。接下来就给大家推荐一些美国开设农业经济的大学和相关的课程具体详情: Agricutural Economics Iowa State U. (Agricultural Economics) UC - Davis (Agricultural and Resource Economics) UC - Berkeley (Agricultural & Resource Economics) Texas A & M (Agricultural Economics) Ohio State U. (Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics) Michigan State U. (Agricultural Economics) Oregon State U. (Agriculture and Resource Economics) U. Illinois - UC (Agricultural and Consumer Economics) U. Maryland - College Park (Agricultural and Resource Economics) U. Wisconsin - Madison (Agricultural and Applied Economics) 并以奥本大学为例,给大家分析一下农业经济相关专业的具体要求: 奥本 录取要求: Graduate degrees in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (DAERS) include the master of science (MS) and master of agriculture (MAg) in agricultural economics or rural sociology, as well as the PhD in applied economics. Admission to the masters program in agricultural economics requires a bachelors degree from an accredited institution with 15 semester hours in related courses including economics, sociology, statistics, or related subjects accepted by the Graduate Committee. Applicants are required to have a bachelors degree from an accredited institution and generally are required to have a minimum score of 290 (150 V and 140 Q) and a GPA of 3.0 on all completed coursework. Admission into the MS programs requires a minimum GRE score of 900 (450 V and 450 Q). Admission into the PhD program requires and minimum GRE score of 1000 (400 V and 600 Q). Admission into the Master of Agriculture program requires a minimum GRE score of 800 (400 V and 400 Q). International applicants from non-English speaking countries must have a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (213 computer. Applicants with GRE scores below 400 will be required to complete specified English courses. Applicants to all graduate programs are generally required to have a minimum GRA of 3.0 on the last 60 semester hours of completed coursework. 以上是针对农业经济专业的部分介绍,有意向的同学,不妨提前咨询相关专家,及时了解最新动态,以便及早申请。 |
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